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Introducing the De'Longhi Group Digital Analytics Tip of the Month

Every month, the Group Digital team will be sending out a quick tip on how to make the most out of Google Analytics.

Whether you're new to Analytics or a veteran of Statistics, these bitesize tips will help you track your website activity, see how your customers are using your site, and how to use this new found knowledge to improve your site.

We're also going to be kicking off a series of Analytics Webinars, quick 20 minute sessions, starting from the basics of logging in and finding out what everything means, buidling up to mastering Google Analytics.

The first Webinar

The first Webinar will be held on Thursday July 31st.

Logging In

We'll start with how to log in, how to select which site or country to look at if you're looking after more than one

From there, we'll look at how to select the date, and compare against past results.

What does it all mean?

Sessions? Bounce Rate?

We'll go through some of the jargon, what it means and how Google Analytics calculates it

Online knowledgebase

New to Digital? For a collection of helpful hints, tips, and video tutorials, visit our knowledgebase

SEO Webinar

Stuck on SEO? For an intro to SEO, keyword research and how to make it all work, watch our SEO Webinar
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